TEJ is a Multiuse MultiFuel Biomass Chulha. It runs on Sticks, Wood, Pellets, Cowdung, Coal etc. There is No Battery used hence its safe from Battery blasts and frequent recharges. Also No Fan is used. It is completely based on Natural Draft. It is free from any moving parts. Hence no breakdown cost and maintenance free. Almost smoke less. The flame is centrally concentrated and it is high rise and high speed flame. Due to this its efficiency is very high and we require less fuel to do the cooking & other activities. We can lit it without use of Kerosene. It's total running cost is very low. The built quality is strong and it can take load of bigger pots also. We can cook continuously for long hours. It is portable. Take it with you and enjoy natural flavour delicious food anywhere. The Patent application is filed. One of the major benefit of this stove is the Grill/ Barbecue use. Now Its too easy to lit our charcoal in just 3~4 mins. No need to waste time on LPG gas stove or buy & use a separate coal lighter. We can can have parallel use of Grill alongwith the stove. So more fast working with cost effectiveness can be done. Product completely designed developed and manufactured in INDIA (भारत). Patent Pending. Save your monthly bill. Save our Nation's energy bill. Save our Earth by using Renewable energy. Save future generations with Sustainable solutions (use of Net Carbon Neutral fuels).